Therapy Focus
Therapy Focus provide comprehensive therapy and support services to people with disabilities living in Busselton, Augusta, Dunsborough, Bunbury, Bridgetown, Nannup, Manjimup, Pemberton and surrounds. Support services include: Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology, Clinical Psychology, Physiotherapy, Positive Behaviour Support team, Dietitian, Specialist Feeding team, Specialist Equipment Prescription and Home Modifications and PEBBLES Toileting and Continence Support team.
NDIS Support Categories Registered to Provide:
– CAPACITY BUILDING: Support Coordination (Coordination of Supports); Improved Daily Living Skills
Margaret River
3/111 Bussell Highway
Margaret River WA 6285
Ph: (08) 9794 5448
Note: Margaret River, Augusta, Busselton, Dunsborough, Nannup, Manjimup, Bridgetown and Pemberton are serviced from this base.