Jacqueline Ross – Registered Music Therapist
Jacqueline Ross is a Registered Music Therapist who offers one-on-one and small group/family music therapy intervention to people of all ages in the south west of WA. Sessions can be held in-person at her premises in South Bunbury or at your home, as well as online sessions via Telehealth. Music therapy offers a non-invasive, non-pharmacological, fun intervention that can be used to meet social, emotional, physical and intellectual needs. Treatment plans are created to address the therapeutic aims for the client and their family. Music therapy can be particularly useful for: encouraging social skills and language development and encouraging the development of fine and gross motor skills through the incorporation of action songs and through playing musical instruments. Music therapists use a combination of playing and singing existing and original songs, listening to music (for self-regulation), improvising (self-expression/processing of emotions) and creating original musical pieces, depending on client preference.
S.A.M. Music Therapy (Stimulate, Activate, Motivate)
South Bunbury
Phone: 0403 118 413
Email: admin@sammt.com.au
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sammusictherapy