CPFS Departments

Child Protection and Family Support protects and cares for Western Australian children and young people who are in need, and supports families and individuals who are at risk or in crisis.

Ph: 08 9222 2555
Country free call: 1800 622 258
Case Review Panel: 9222 2593
Complaints Management Unit: 9222 2594
Advocate For Children in Care: 9222 2518
Email: cpduty@cpfs.wa.gov.au

Department of Education and Training

Provides high quality education for children and young people throughout Western Australia, helping them reach their full potential. They provide individual programs for every student- for those who are academically gifted, students with special learning needs, those with a flair for the arts or a passion for sports, and students from vulnerable communities.

Developmental Disability WA

The peak advocacy organisation in WA for people with intellectual and other developmental disability and their families. DDWA supports people with developmental disability and their families to have a strong voice. They partner with others to develop more connected and inclusive communities and influence government and other decision makers.

City West Lotteries House (opposite Harbour Town)
2 Delhi St
Ph: (08) 9420 7203
Email: ddwa@ddwa.org.au
Web: https://ddwa.org.au/

Disability Support Pension Australia

A dedicated topic-specific advocacy page for providing critical information specifically related to medical eligibility of the DSP in Australia, that is not readily available from Centrelink or their website. This includes the appeal process and medical reviews. Aims to provide support, guidance, and assistance for our society’s most vulnerable people. 

Web: https://dspaustralia.wixsite.com/dspaustralia