Nancy J Patrick

This resource provides practical strategies for helping teenagers and adults with Asperger Syndrome to navigate social skills, friendships and relationships at home and in the community.

The author offers advice and useful strategies for tackling day-to-day problems such as visits to the dentist or the doctor, searching for a job, sorting out personal finances, going on vacation, and dealing with public transport, as well as more intimate topics such as dating and acquiring and maintaining friendships. The chapters are structured around real-life scenarios and the challenges they present, followed by step-by-step solutions and suggestions. A final section provides a set of practical self-help tools, which encourage the reader to note down answers to the questions posed and record personal reflections.


Social Skills Lessons & Activities for Grade 4-6

Ruth Weltmann Begun

Gives teachers and specialists a stimulating, systematic way to develop positive social behaviors in students of all abilities, grades 4-12.

Included are over 125 tested lessons and reproducible worksheets in two separately printed, self-contained volumes, each tailored to the developmental needs of students at a particular grade level, 4-6 or 7-12. For easy use, the lessons in each volume follow a uniform format, including titles, behavioral objective, and simple 8-step lesson plan. The lesson activities and worksheets are based on real-life situations and help build students’ self-esteem, self-control, and respect for the rights of others.

Social Skills Lessons & Activities for Grade 4-6

Social Skills Training For Children With Asperger Syndrome & High Functioning Autism

Susan Williams White

This practical, research-based guide provides a wealth of tools and strategies for implementing social skills training in school or clinical settings.

Numerous case examples illustrate common social difficulties experienced by children with Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism; the impact on peer relationships, school performance, and behavior; and how social skills training can help. Chapters delve into the nuts and bolts of teaching and reinforcing core skills in classroom, small-group, or individual contexts, emphasizing ways to tailor interventions to each individual’s needs.

Social Skills Training For Children With Asperger Syndrome & High Functioning Autism

Social Thinking at Work

Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela Crooke

In this groundbreaking book, Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela Crooke describe the inner workings of the social mind in the workplace and decode the hidden rules of the social world...

by explaining how we think about our own, as well as other people s thoughts and emotions. The process is complex and it requires social multitasking or Social Thinking to successfully navigate the nuances and different mindsets of others, especially people we may perceive as being difficult to work with.

Social Thinking at Work

Social Thinking Worksheets for Teens and Tweens

Michelle Garcia Winner

The use of worksheets is powerful in helping students to focus cognitively on core concepts related to social functioning.

This particular set of worksheets focuses on pre-adolescent and adolescent social concepts. Given social rules and expectations change with age, these worksheets help to encourage more mature Social Thinking and related shifts in one’s social skills. Winner explores a wide range of topics from starting with basic Social Thinking understanding of the 4 Steps of Communication, to exploring the hidden rules of the classroom and when is it OK to correct other students.

Social Thinking Worksheets for Teens and Tweens

Socially Curious and Curiously Social

Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela Crooke

Written for teens and young adults to read themselves about how the social mind is expected to work in order to effectively relate to others at school, at work, in the community and even at home.

Since there is relatively little information on how to talk about social information, this book redefines what it means to “be social” and it is likely not what you were thinking!

Socially Curious and Curiously Social

Solving Behaviour Problems In Autism

Linda A. Hodgdon

Are you frustrated by the inevitable communication breakdowns and behaviour difficulties that occur regularly with your most challenging students? Then this is the book for you!

Solving Behaviour Problems In Autism targets an area of greatly expressed need, provided in a very practical and pragmatic approach to managing problem behaviours. Packed with samples and examples of strategies that have worked to improve communication and solve behaviour problems. Learn more about the behaviour – communication – visual strategy link.

*Includes the Guide For Assessing Behaviour Situations

Solving Behaviour Problems In Autism

Some Brains

Nelly Thomas

A book celebrating neurodiversity.

Some Brains starts from the premise that neurodiversity – conditions like Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and the like – are normal, essential parts of our human biodiversity.  yes, kids with these conditions sometimes require a bit of extra help and patience, but they should never be viewed as disordered.  They see things others don’t see!

Some Brains

Some Girls

Nelly Thomas

All girls can be whatever they want.

Some Girls is an early childhood book aimed at instilling confidence in little girls.  It’s a story about how every girl is different and special in their own way.  Whether your girls likes rough, tough or gentle or pretty stuff, this book is for her!  She might have short hair, long hair, big hair or strong hair – Some Girls says all girls can look however they want.

Some Girls

Some Kids Have Autism

Linda A. Hodgdon

Teach diversity and tolerance to young readers, and help them understand and appreciate those children who have health differences. Colorful photos show kids with disabilities enjoying activities...

with their peers.

Some Kids Have Autism


Karen Carter

See how saying a special word at the right time shows what good manners you have and that you care.


Special Boys’ Business

Heather Anderson, Fay Angelo & Rose Stewart

Special Boys' Business takes a boy, his parents and carers through the changes experienced at puberty.

Information is presented in simple text with clear colourful pictures. It is an appealing disability puberty book with fun, entertaining illustrations. Special Boys’ Business is a puberty resource written for boys with special needs.

Special Boys’ Business