WA Individualised Services

WAIS is a community of like-minded people working in partnership at all levels with individuals at the centre, to influence and develop innovative individualised, self-directed supports and services.

16/162 Colin St
West Perth WA 6005
Ph: (08) 9485 1997
Web: waindividualisedservices.org.au

WA Register of Autism Spectrum Disorders

The Register collects simple demographic and diagnostic information from individuals with Austism Spectrum Disorders. The Register helps to recruit children and families to participate in exciting research projects and events.

Telethon Intitute for Child Health Research
100 Roberts Road
Subiaco WA 6008
Ph: (08) 9489 7777
Email: autismreg@ichr.uwa.edu.au
Web: https://www.telethonkids.org.au/projects/autismregister/

Warrick Mark Thomas Surgical & Therapeutic Pillow Australia

Warrick Mark Thomas Surgical is a dedicated Surgical Distributor specialising in surgical stockings, compression garments, braces, corsets, belts, hernia appliances, surgical pillows, collars and sports medical supports.

NDIS Support Categories Registered to Provide:
– CORE: Assistance with Daily Life; Consumables
– CAPACITY BUILDING: Improved Health and Wellbeing; Improved Daily Living Skills

10 May Avenue
Subiaco WA 6008
Ph: (08) 93812333
Email: wmts@iinet.net.au
Web: www.wmts.com.au

Welfare Rights & Advocacy Service

Welfare Rights & Advocacy Service (WA) is a not for profit community legal centre that provides independent advice, information, referral, representation and advocacy in relation to Centrelink, Family Assistance, Tenancy and Social Security prosecution matters.

The service is based in Perth and provides its services in a geographic catchment area within the state of Western Australia. There is no charge for our services.

Address: 98 Edward Street, Perth WA 6000
Telephone: 08 9328 1751
Email: welfare@wraswa.org.au
Web: www.wraswa.org.au

Women With Disabilities WA Inc

WWDWA is a non-profit incorporated organisation that is run BY women with disabilities FOR women with disabilities. They provide monthly forums on a wide range of topics of interest to women with disabilities in Perth. They also provide input to government and the community on issues that affect women with disabilities.

Ph: (08) 9244 7463 or (08) 9388 7455
Email: info@wwdwa.org.au
Web: www.wwdwa.org.au

Women’s Law Centre of WA

The WLCWA provides free legal advice and casework specifically to women facing disadvantage but can provide information about legal issues and referral to support services to any women.

Ph: 1800 625 122 (freecall) or (08) 9272 8800
Email: wlc@wlcwa.org.au
Website: http://www.wlcwa.org.au